Monday, 16 July 2012

The Trophy Trap by Emma Laybourn

The panel of experts are revolting! They want to know why adults have all the money and children have none. And why is school free, when chocolate costs money? There's something very wrong going on with the world. Maybe even a conspiracy. So, in protest at the unfairness of life, the panel of experts have decided to review a free book, The Trophy Trap by Emma Laybourn. If only all books were free...

 Cover for 'The Trophy Trap' 
Mad Scientist: Unlike some of the other rubbish I have been forced to review, that was totally unsuitable for someone of my intellectual ability, I actually enjoyed this ebook. I give it 3 stars. In particular I liked:
-that it was an actual story
-that it had realistic characters
-that it was short( J K Rowling is allowed to write novels of 500 pages plus, no one else is)
-that it gave me good ideas for experiments, such as pouring plaster of paris into football boots (ha ha striker)
Striker: (striking Mad Scientist) Or pouring plaster of paris into your test tubes.
Party Rocker: Or pouring plaster of paris onto your testi...
Mad Scientist: (interrupting) Why you little...
(Party Rocker runs off, chased by Mad Scientist.)
Striker: At first I liked it because it had a trophy on the front cover. I like trophies. Then I liked it because it was about a brother and sister who were always arguing and fighting. I like arguing and fighting. Then I liked it because there was a little bit about football. I love football. And finally I liked it because there was a bit of a surprise at the end. I like surprises. So I give it 3 stars. But not because Mad Scientist did. I would never do that.
Party Rocker: (running past)...or pouring plaster of paris into your sandwiches...
Mad Scientist: (also running past)...or putting your annoying sibling into a box... whoops, wrong book, wrong book review! Never mind, I'm gonna give it a go anyway.
Flower Power: When are we going to review Sleeping Beauty?
Striker: Never.
Flower Power: Then I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when my prince gets here.
So, Trophy Trap scores a respectable 3 stars! It might have scored even more if Party Rocker had managed to stop insulting the other experts and actually vote.
Party Rocker:(running past)  4 Stars. Party on!!!
So, Trophy Trap scores a champion 3 1/2 stars. It might have scored even more if Flower Power had managed to actually vote.
Flower Power: Snore.

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